Caviro For United Nations Day

A project to reaffirm the commitment to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

Caviro illustrates its contribution to sustainability with the launch of a video story, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations Day – this year on Saturday, October 24th – established to raise awareness of the importance of global sustainable development.

The title of the video “Dove tutto torna” (Where it all comes back) is inspired by the company claim encompassing the cooperative’s vision, expressed in a circular economy model which safeguards the value of every phase of the wine chain, including the very precious by-products transformed into energy, compost and other noble products.


Caviro illustrates its contribution to sustainability with the launch of a video story, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations Day – this year on Saturday, October 24th – established to raise awareness of the importance of global sustainable development.The title of the video “Dove tutto torna” (Where it all comes back) is inspired by the company claim encompassing the cooperative’s vision, expressed in a circular economy model which safeguards the value of every phase of the wine chain, including the very precious by-products transformed into energy, compost and other noble products.It is a story with several voices, performed by the representative characters of the Caviro world – Giovanni Ferrucci (Enomondo Sales Manager), Gabriele Bassi (Caviro Extra Plant Manager), Bruno Ranieri (Winery Referent), Pietro Cassani (Caviro Senior Oenologist) – who reaffirm together the constant commitment of the Group in terms of economic, social and environmental sustainability.A commitment that has led Caviro to link its objectives to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Caviro concretely pursues 7 objectives (Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs), including:
  • Health and well-being (Goal 3),
  • Global access to clean energy (Goal 7),
  • Fair and responsible industrialization (Goal 9),
  • Adoption of sustainable production and consumption models (Goal 12),
  • Fight against climate change (Goal 13).
Always in the light of the promotion of sustainable models and best practices, Caviro has recently launched the online magazine INNESTI – STORIE DI SOSTENIBILITÀ.