Caviro Group is awarded Premio Impresa Ambiente

Thanks to this award, Faenza-based Caviro Group becomes a candidate to the European Business Award for the Environment

Caviro Group is the winner of the eighth edition of Premio Impresa Ambiente in the category “Best management for sustainable development, medium or large companies”.

Premio Impresa Ambiente

This recognition, promoted by the Chamber of Commerce Venice-Rovigo in collaboration with Unioncamere and with the patronage of the Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection, was awarded during the live Youtube ceremony that took place on Friday 19 February at the presence of the President of Caviro Group Carlo Dalmonte.

The category “Best management for sustainable development” is addressed to businesses showing a strategic vision and a management model able to ensure a continual improvement and a constant contribution to sustainable development, combining environmental, economic, and social aspects.

The reasons behind the Award

Premio Impresa Ambiente is the highest Italian award for companies providing an innovative contribution in terms of environmental sustainability and social responsibility in the management of their business. The companies applying for this award are evaluated by a jury of experts in environmental issues and representatives of institutions and of the research community on the basis of four categories, with the Young Entrepreneur Award in addition. The awarded companies and the companies which received a mention by the jury participate by right in the selection for the European Business Award for the Environment.

Caviro’s victory

Caviro Group is one of the most relevant examples of integrated agri-food industry and represents a complete model of circular economy, boasting a certification of sustainability according to the Equalitas scheme. In addition to wine production, carried out by Caviro Sca, Caviro Group deals with the enhancement of the by-products of the Italian agri-food industry through the work of Caviro Extra SpA, which produces green energy, renewable fuels, and natural fertilizers.

The comment of President Dalmonte

«We are very honoured to receive this Award, that I dedicate to our 12,400 farmer partners – said Carlo Dalmonte, president of Caviro. Ours is a story revolving around the grape, in a circle that is not only ideal but also real. Thanks to circular economy, Caviro does not produce waste but only raw materials according to an approach where environmental protection and business are not in contrast, and deeply aware that people nowadays show a growing interest in buying from a responsible production chain».