Caviro presents the Third Edition of its Sustainability Report

“RE-GENERATIONS. Connected by the green thread of sustainability” is the name of the event that took place in Milan

RI-GENERAZIONI. Uniti dal fil vert della sostenibilità” is the title of the event held at the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan, for the presentation of the Third Edition of Caviro Group’s Sustainability Report, the first one to have been certified. The event – moderated by Federico Taddia – was attended by a variety of people bringing together different experiences: among the guests, the Member of the European Parliament Elisabetta GualminiProfessor Attilio Scienza, LifeGate Scientific Director Simone Molteni, the founder of ZeroCOAndrea Pesce, and the Editor-in-chief of Innesti, Martina Liverani.

The Sustainability Report

“Sustainability is responsibility. It means leaving things in order for those who come after. We wish to transparently communicate our cooperative way and share with the people, organizations and institutions our will to create Value where there seems to be none”: explained Carlo Dalmonte, President of Caviro, who underlined the importance of cooperating towards a common goal, always following the principle of respect for people and the environment.

Caviro’s circular economy model, an international recognized best practice by now, ensured the Group 390 million in revenues in 2021, always operating along the green line of sustainability. A commitment that led to important acknowledgements and awards, like the Premio Impresa Ambiente, the Index Future mention among the 44 Italian companies that better represent their governance, or the recent EUROPEAN AWARD FOR COOPERATIVE INNOVATION in the Bioeconomy & Circularity category.

SimonPietro FeliceGeneral Manager of the Group, commented: “At Caviro, sustainability is expressed in every step of the production chain: from the vineyard to the bottling process, from waste products to their transformation into noble products, because “with grapes you don’t throw anything away”. We’ve invested tens of millions of Euro – and more are in budget – in order to preserve the value of natural resources, recycling and operating the regeneration of products and materials”.

A “triple” Sustainability

Recently the Group has adopted a Sustainability Management consisting ofan all-women team, already heading different company sectors (Sara Pascucci, Head of Communication, Silvia Buzzi, Health, Safety & Environment Manager and Elisa Massimiani, Financial Planning & Analysis Manager). The managers have illustrated the different aspects of the Group’s sustainability:

  • Social Sustainability

It’s expressed in the attention towards the shareholders – guaranteeing the best conditions –, towards the employees and the territory through donations and sponsorships, and by creating a culture of sustainability with the stakeholders. This is confirmed by the 27 certifications obtained (including SA8000, Standard Equalitas, Sustainability certification for biomethane and bioethanol).

  • Environmental Sustainability

From waste recovery and valorization, Caviro Croup produces electricity, heat energy, biofuels and natural fertilizers. It has achieved 100% electrical self-sufficiency and a 23% reduction in groundwater withdrawal for each liter of wine processed. The subsidiary Caviro Extra transforms the derivatives of the production chain into products with high added value, as alcohol, tartaric acid, polyphenols, etc.: in 2020/21, 600,000 tons of agricultural waste were valorized. Our next ambitious goal is to define an action strategy to become a CarbonNeutral Company.

  • Economic Sustainability

It’s impossible to achieve social or environmental sustainability without economic sustainability. Caviro is the largest winery in Italy, the first Italian producer of table wine with Tavernello brand, while also offering a wide range of premium brands. Italy represents our target market, but exports are growing (+17%) with more than 80 countries reached.


Caviro Group promotes sustainability also through INNESTI, our digital multi-author magazine that spreads the culture of awareness and responsibility. The subject of the upcoming June issue (Connections) was revealed during the event in Milan, in which the celebratory book of Innesti was also showcased. It was created in collaboration with ZeroCO2, an Italian benefit society that deals with reforestation with high social impact: for every printed copy there will be a further reforestation effort.