“Making good wine with grapes, bettering the world with waste products”

Caviro Group tells the value of its circular economy

With the new campaign on Value, launched on March 15th in newspapers, magazines and on the web, Caviro Group illustrates its circular economy model. At Caviro, sustainability is expressed in every step of the production chain: from the vineyard to the bottling, from waste to their transformation into noble products, because “with grapes you don’t throw anything away”.

The stars of the new campaign are squeezed grapes, which are transformed into precious jewels: rings, necklaces, and earrings. They are accompanied by this claim: Con l’uva facciamo il vino, con gli scarti miglioriamo il mondo, i.e. “Making good wine with grapes, bettering the world with waste products”

“Evocative images have been chosen to communicate the value of our sustainability – says Sara Pascucci, Caviro Group Communications Manager. The national multi-subject campaign constitutes an important step to consolidate Caviro’s positioning, through printed and digital communication, and to introduce ourselves to the general public as a reference model in the world of circular economy”.

Our aim is to tell the extraordinary value of grape and vine waste, with which every year Caviro produces electricity and heat energy, reduces CO2 emissions, purifies water, creates noble products, such as biofuel and natural fertilizers to fertilize the vines and restart the production cycle. 

A remarkable virtuous cycle centred on sustainability and respect for people and environment: these are the Values of the Caviro Group.